Thursday, April 16, 2009

WEIGH-IN (-50 pounds) Week 19

Hi All,

It seems that I have lost 50 pounds!!! Whoopee! Whhoooooheeee! Your girl is weighing in at 240 pounds. Still got a lot of ground to cover but not as far as I had to go!

When I started this journey, I would have never thought I would actually write that I lost 50 pounds. I was actually scared that it wouldnt work for me. I think I have been lucky on several planes. One, I took a chance and went to a doctor out of the country and he was great! Two, I have had 2 fills and I think I am at my sweet spot already. My band was smaller so that might have something to do with it. Three, I have met so many great people who are supportive and interested in what I am going through! Wow! I am feeling mightly special here lately.

I have gotten back on the exercise train and have faithfully worked out this week. I started back with my jog/walk routine for 55 minutes. My legs are so tired and sore but Ihave kept at it and I am doing a 16 minute mile. I know, I know....that might be mighty horrible but it is a vast improvement from my past times! I am really pushing myself because I really want to see the 230's soon. I am just a pound away to seeing it and I am excited about it! I still have to tell myself it is actually happening! Wow! The more I lose, the more I am motivated to lose.

I have finally gotten to where I can eat food. Not a lot of it but food is food. I don't think I need to have a fill for a while. I am not looking forward to going through this again you know! I feel lucky though that I havent had to have a whole bunch of fills to get to a nice even level.

I am thinking that I want to go and get brachioplasty in a few months for my arms. They have a lot of extra skin but they were always big. I talked about it in my video below.

AS usual, thanks to everyone who is following this journey and I hope your personal lap band journey is successful.

1 comment:

Catherine55 said...

50 is amazing!! I wanted to respond on the plastic surgery issue you mentioned. It seems to me like it's too early to do this. You will probably want to do another reduction on your arms after you lose the next 50 pounds, and it seems like a big toll to place on your body (and wallet!) to do this twice.

In my view, it would make better sense to wait. That said, if it really bothers you very much and your doctor doesn't think this is a bad idea, then you should do what will make you the happiest.

Very exciting on the plus size fashion week possibility! If you come to NYC and think you'll have some spare time, let me know! It would be fun to meet you. :)